Categories: Health

Montana kicks off inaugural Soil Health Week

A round table meeting was conducted on Monday afternoon at The Union on Last Chance Gulch in Helena to celebrate the first Montana Soil Health Week. Various individuals including government leaders, ranchers, business owners, and community partners convened to discuss the significance of healthy soil. The meeting was organized in response to the passing of a bipartisan resolution by the Montana legislature in 2023, which designated the first week of April as Montana Soil Health Week.

Healthy soil is essential for agriculture, food security, and food nutrients. Norane Freistadt, the vice chair of the Northern Plains Resource Council, emphasized the importance of good soil for nutrient value in fruits and vegetables. She highlighted that soil that has been overused and treated with unnatural fertilizers does not produce the best quality foods for people and animals to consume.

Wednesday marks Montana Soil Health Day, with the Northern Plains Resource Council hosting an online screening of the award-winning documentary “To Which We Belong.” The film features farmers and ranchers who use simple yet impactful methods to rejuvenate and improve landscapes. Registration for the free online screening is available for those interested in attending.

Samantha Johnson

As a dedicated content writer at, I weave words into captivating stories that inform and engage our audience. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, I strive to craft articles that not only inform but also inspire discussion and curiosity. Whether delving into breaking news or exploring thought-provoking features, I aim to deliver dynamic and impactful content that resonates with our readers. Through my work, I aspire to spark conversation, educate, and entertain, ensuring that each piece I create contributes to the rich tapestry of information on our platform.

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Samantha Johnson

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